How can we use storytelling to inspire youth to share their voices on sustainability? Additionally, how can we inspire and groom young storytellers to be the next generation of filmmakers?
NEA’s primary goal in this campaign is to inspire young budding filmmakers to generate conversations on sustainability through storytelling. Viddsee became a natural partner in this campaign as a premium short film platform with a strong community of filmmakers. In addition to this goal, the campaign seeks to develop young talents as they craft their stories in sustainability through a Youth Film Program.
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22 Apr To 29 July 2022
1 short film & 3 youth films produced under the mentorship of Viddsee’s storytellers
The campaign held a call for film submissions, specifically for youth between 15 – 35 years of age. The biggest draw of this call for entry is a mentorship program under the tutelage of an experienced filmmaker within Viddsee’s network of storytellers. In addition to that, the winning concept of this film submission will be supported with a production budget of SGD $8,000, as well as Viddsee’s resources, to develop their stories into a short film or long form for launch in November 2022. Winners will also receive a cash prize of SGD $4,000.
The campaign received 85 concept submissions from young budding filmmakers. 3 winners with the best concepts were selected to work under a mentorship program with Viddsee to develop their concept into a film. This provides an opportunity for our young filmmakers to learn from their mentors as they work together to give life to their ideas. These films will be screened on – amplified with Viddsee’s marketing and promotional efforts to drive views and awareness to their completed works.
A dedicated microsite was launch to support the campaign, including hosting the call for film submissions.
Additionally, the campaign crafted various media assets – from infographics to drive conversations and engagements about about sustainability, film trailers on social media platforms as well as YouTube Community Posts.
The film trailers on Facebook, Instagram & TikTok was well-received by the audience accumulating more than 400,000 views.